

A great part of our company success and popularity lies in the fact of our work principles…

Why We’re Different

Custom Solutions

Developing a web project or an application can stumble into lots of stops and shortcomings along the way. However, this means, that it’s then when the most skillful coding team manages to handle the issue and make it work. We are proud to be such a team!

Thorough Testing

With the QA & testing department just as much extensive as it is attentive, we’re can assure you of the end-quality of our product. This means that regardless of either the scale or the complexity of the task at hand, we’re ready to make it faultless!

Speedy Workflow

We personally know a lot of competing companies, where the speedy and agile work style is never cherished and all the deadlines pass by just as the team gets stuck behind the schedule. We cannot emphasize enough how much different our approach to the timing is!

Fair Pricing

Once again, to a stark contrast with a majority of our competitors, the pricing we have in place is fair. This means that most of our services, even the most complex ones are tagged with a fee lower, than the market average, despite quality being the highest one!

Projects Completed

Staff members

Million Man-hours

Awards won

Meet the Team

Alex Buoyega

Alex Buoyega

Software Developer

Mr. Buoyega was born in one of Detroit’s poorest blocks, all before pursuing his successful managerial career in the future. For him, the breakthrough happened when he was able to get on Harvard University’s Law School list. After graduating from there, he was working for a few years for a number of multi-million dollar corporations, climbing up the corporate ladder and…

Kenneth Richardson

Kenneth Richardson

Software Developer

A talented and creative leader, Kenneth is known among his colleagues for how good his organizing and team leading skills are… Working priorly for a number of American and International multi-billion dollar companies, Kenneth has built up a reputation and a skillset worthy of an executive manager. His constant focus at work is on…

Jonathan Christman

Jonathan Christman

Software Developer

Being as a devoted family man as he is, it is incredible how Jonathan has time left for managing multi-million dollar contracts, satisfying all of our clients and managing a vast team of professionals under his command. His resolve is well-known, making him one of the few executive managers in our company who is admired by co-workers. His long stance…

Martin Gray

Martin Gray

Software Developer

Originally from London, at one point of his sophomore college year, Martin decided to turn the tables for his career and travel to the US, to try and get a Harvard MBA degree… Eventually, he succeeded in that, becoming one of the most respected executive managers in his field of work. His 15 years long experience of work in miscellaneous big companies allows him…

Mary Applebaum

Mary Applebaum

Software Developer

A Juneau, Alaska native, Mrs. Applebaum has come a long way since her high school graduation all the way up to getting a Brown University Master’s degree in Economics. Talented with the digits, she’s no less successful when it comes to managing the human resources of the company. Ask anyone at our office who is their personal favorite manager…

Elisa Hansolo

Elisa Hansolo

Software Developer

Born in New York City, Elisa always felt a strong urge for being an ambitious overachiever. Eventually, by the age of 25 she already had received her first Wall Street executive position, making her one of the youngest managers in the company. With her overall work experience spanning over 2 decades, Mrs. Hansolo is definitely the kind of a senior manager we all…

Emily Bluesome

Emily Bluesome

Software Developer

If you’d ask any of our workers, who is the executive manager that they’re always looking up and living up to, most likely Emily’s name will surface. Having a vast and thorough practical working experience lasting for more than 18 years, Mrs. Bluesome is an ideal manager, who is always on time to handle either our company’s clients or our internal team workflow issues…

Diane Beaton

Diane Beaton

Software Developer

If you’d ever need to figure out a workaround for a complicated business problem, look no further than Diane’s desk for getting a thorough and all-rounded advice… She has been working in the industry for more than 20 years, knowing all the ins and outs perfectly and teaching each member of our team. Regardless of which exact type of a task does she…


When we were looking for a software development company to work on the creation of our corporate, Windows-based application, we were mired by many hurdles along the way… However, as the selection process narrowed down, we were finally lucky enough as to secure a partnership with these guys. They both were ok with working under a tight timing requirement, just as well as accepted our budget offers!

Deborah Quagmire

Though we’re a startup that consists of a few quite handy software developers ourself, still in order to get the things rolling and to complete our multimedia app’s production on schedule, we were in a need of help. As we were seeing through the offers that other developers have been sending us, we were missing a lot – from experience in our niche to those companies’ flexibility on time and money. These guys, however, fit in altogether!

Benedict Arnold

When we were working on our own Mac-based application, our team has stumbled into quite a few significant roadblocks. So we were in a dire need of some 3rd party team with a handy, practical experience in handling all the issues which we’ve had problems with. Thanks God, after a few sleepless weeks of search, we were finally able to find this company. Their protracted experience fit in just perfectly for our project!

Gerald Cutler

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